Let’s Start Here. Tell Me. Are You Maybe...
Struggling to open yourself up to love?
Secretly convinced you’re too complicated or too complex for a relationship?
Fear you’re too intimidating to men because of your brilliance and success?
Afraid to allow yourself to be totally vulnerable?
Wonder when (if ever) you’ll find true, lasting love?
If so, I completely understand.
I know you’re oh-so-ready to finally find your forever person. You know in your heart it’s time. This program is designed to move you to a place where you feel ready to shift your focus, thoughts, and actions toward attracting a remarkable man to love -and do life with- forever. I’ll introduce you to how I teach women to date based on their own values, morals, and in alignment with their desire for love that lasts a lifetime.
Now, Can You Imagine How Very Different Your Journey To Find Forever Love Will Feel Like When You:
Identify your romantic stumbling blocks and learn how to eliminate the behaviors, patterns, and beliefs that are keeping you single
Learn to minimize your insecurities and fears of rejection by fully stepping into the shoes of a confident woman who truly knows she is deserving and worthy of forever love and a remarkable relationship
Understand how to date as an empowered feminine woman by being assertive about your own desires for and your needs within a committed relationship
Have clarity of what traits you desire in your forever man, what a fulfilling relationship means to you, and how to attract your ideal partner by being true to yourself and your desires for love
Create an online dating profile designed to attract the kind of man you desire to meet, date, and someday even marry as well as understand how to keep conversations alive until you actually meet in real life
Develop the skills to create deeper intimacy and emotional connections through honest communication, a willingness to be vulnerable, and an openness to fully trust yourself as well as your forever one
Implement courtship principles to create a strong foundation for a committed relationship built to last a lifetime
If You're Ready, Then It’s Time To…
Stop denying yourself the love (and passionate intimacy) – and the other connections– you deserve and desire AND
Learn how to slowly let your guard down so you can open up your heart to love yourself, your life, and falling in love again with The Forever One
If you're single and over it, this program is for you. This self-study program is designed to help brilliant, soulful single women create a committed relationship in a casual dating culture using a modern courtship model that creates mutual respect, builds trust, and lays a foundation for lasting love.
When you join this program, you’ll receive access to the online course “Single and Over It" which includes orientation (the pre-work aka mindset), six main modules outlining the step-by-step process I used with my private coaching clients for years, and bonus content related to dating during a pandemic with over 10 hours of video and audio trainings on the following topics:
ORIENTATION MODULE: Begin by mastering the inner work of dating as you prepare for your journey to find forever love.
MODULE 1: HEALING THE PAST + digging into what's causing you to fall for the wrong guys, fear getting back into the dating scene, or experiencing the same old patters over and over again in every relationship. No more playing dating games or decoding the mystery of whether a guy is interested in you for the right reasons. This is all about reclaiming your CONFIDENCE.
MODULE 2: DEFINING YOUR DESIRES Have clarity on what traits you desire in a man, what a fulfilling relationship means to you, and how to attract your ideal partner by being true to yourself and your desires for love. No more settling for just good enough when you know you deserve the best.
MODULE 3: INSTALLING NEW DATING HABITS Understand how to date as an empowered feminine woman who knows she is worthy and deserving of forever love (rather than feeling insecure or worrying about the fear of rejection) while also being assertive about your own desires for and needs within a relationship. Learn how to better balance your pacing in dating and how to keep yourself from becoming obsessed about messages and what they mean as well as understand how to handle his ghosting behaviors (and how to respond to it like a woman who is confident she deserves better).
MODULE 4: MASTERING ONLINE DATING Create an online dating profile designed to attract the kind of man you desire to meet, date, and someday even marry as well as understand how to keep conversations alive until you actually meet in real life. Learn what information to share in these initial conversations, what signs to look for to determine if he’s actually interested in investing in a relationship, and how to be assertive in telling a man you’re available if he would like to plan a date that you both would enjoy.
MODULE 5: NAVIGATING CONVERSATIONS Learn how to create deeper intimacy and emotional connections through open and honest communication to build trust and a strong foundation for a lasting relationship. No more wondering how he actually feels about you and whether he sees a future in this relationship because you have the confidence and assertiveness to boldly engage in the conversation so you can make decisions about investing in him.
MODULE 6: THE CORE ELEMENTS OF A REMARKABLE RELATIONSHIP –I call them the four C’s: commitment, (modern) courtship, communication and connection–and I’ll introduce to you how I teach singles a different way to date based on your own values, morals, and in alignment with your desire for love that lasts a lifetime. You'll also learn how to use the modern courtship model to attract the kind of man you desire to meet, date, and even someday marry.
BONUS MODULE: "Turn Your Quarantine Blues into Your Sexy Groove" Feminine Survival Kit
You Deserve To Feel Confident In Your Ability To Attract An Amazing Man To Share Everything From The Happy Hours To The High-Top Kitchen Table.
Hi. I’m Laura Lee Wood, Lawyer-Turned-Global-Love-And-Intimacy-Coach. I coach brilliant, soulful women how to fully embrace their brilliance and create radiant love, create deeper emotional connections, experience the depths of true intimacy, and implement spiritual practices focusing on acceptance and embodiment of their true femininity and beautiful sensual, sexual essence.
I offer boutique coaching programs personalized for each client using a variety of tools, including doTERRA essential oils, The Desire Map, meditations and my signature “Single and Over It” online self-study course. These tools are coupled with coaching to help brilliant women explore new insights and depths of their sexuality, emotional intimacy, spirituality, as well as confidence both inside and outside the bedroom as they build trust, love, and pleasure in their relationships.
I know one thing for sure. You have a choice. You can SAY YES to yourself. You can SAY YES to finding your forever love. You can SAY YES to Single & Over It.
When a woman knows she is ready to call in love, there's a shifting that occurs in how she views the world around her with abundant opportunities, what a fulfilling relationship means to her, how she defines her heart's deepest desires for love, and how she nourishes her soul on the journey to find love.
You see... The journey is as much about who YOU become and the permission you give yourself as it is about creating new opportunities to meet like-minded singles. More love for yourself and deep gratitude. Even when you haven't yet met The One, you can still create the experience of what it would feel like to be loved for all of who you are now and who you are becoming. Loved for your imperfections.
The real question is whether you're ready to fully step into claiming that you deserve and are worthy of forever love and a truly remarkable relationship. This is exactly why the Module One is focused on healing from the past because it's the old stuff that's weighing you down and creating doubt that you can find lasting love.
There's this distinct phase of being single and over it for women who have healed and are now living and loving with an open heart; The best way to describe this is that a woman becomes radiant- glowing from inside out.
And, it's not just me that can see it... Women report to me that are being noticed by men everywhere they go. Men can see confidence in the way you move your body and in how you communicate. Men respect an assertive woman who doesn't settle for less than what she desires to create in love and in life. Men will happily plan a date when you insist on courtship and he will honor you for setting the standard.
Join Single and Over It TODAY to receive the full course, a bonus 1:1 private coaching session for only $299. Link below to claim this for you because you deserve the love you desire!